Revisions Adopted by President’s Cabinet 10/22/19; 2/7/22, 8/9/23; 5/21/24

This policy applies to all faculty, staff, students, and visitors of East Georgia 州立学院(EGSC). 泊车服务由商务组管理 - Auxiliary Services and enforced by the EGSC 警察局 在Swainsboro. 运输 Services are administered by the Business Affairs unit - Auxiliary Services on the 在斯温斯伯勒的主校区. 此政策不适用于EGSC十大彩票游戏平台和EGSC斯泰茨伯勒: parking and transportation services for EGSC Augusta and EGSC Statesboro are administered 分别由十大彩票游戏平台大学和佐治亚南方大学.

I. 成本

For Swainsboro students, parking is a mandatory fee included in the student fees each 学期. 停车费是每学期15美元. 教职员工、退休人员和访客 许可证的发放是免费的. 收费5美元.额外收费00美元 或者更换许可证.

II. 允许发行

所有 Swainsboro campus students’ vehicles must be registered with the Business Office 而且必须张贴学生停车贴. 学生停车证是在 商务办公室位于学生中心. 车辆上必须贴贴花 on the rear glass, left side, no later than the first day of the second week of classes. Distinctive parking decals will be issued to distinguish between commuter student 车辆和住校学生车辆. 在事件中,学生必须临时使用 a different vehicle than the one registered, it shall be the student's responsibility to obtain a temporary visitor pass from the EGSC 警察局 and display the 通过车辆. 临时访客通行证挂牌最多只能有效一次 20天.

For faculty and staff, permits are issued at Human Resources located in the Student Center. New employees are issued permits during their on-boarding process with Human Resources and must always display their issued permit when parking on campus. 更换 and/or additional permits are issued once the employee pays the fee for such at the 然后将收据交给人力资源部.

3. 指定停车场


White-lined spaces that are not designated by signage as “Visitor Parking” are open for anyone to park on campus (students, visitors, faculty, and staff).

Yellow-lined spaces are designated as Faculty/Staff parking between the hours of 8 a.m. 还有5p.m. 星期一至星期五. 必须显示当前可见的许可证.

橙色线的停车位只被指定为服务/派送停车位. 教职员工 没有被授权在服务/送餐位停车.

蓝线停车位被指定为残疾人停车位. 残障停车只适用于 those individuals with current State of Georgia issued handicap permits and is only 发给获发许可证的人. 在临时残疾的情况下, the EGSC 警察局 is authorized to issue a temporary handicap permit for 仅在校园内使用,使用期限不超过十天. 州法律禁止使用 of handicap permits by someone other than the person for whom the permit is intended EGSC警察局将执行州法律.

Student employees are not allowed to park in Faculty/Staff designated (yellow lined) 早上8点的停车位.m. 还有5p.m. 星期一至星期五.

Visitor Parking is designated with signage to indicate Visitor Parking. 尽管游客 may park in any white lined space on campus, faculty, staff, and students are not 可在任何时间将车停在指定访客停车场.

Bobcat Villas Resident Parking is designated with signage and green-lined spaces in P-9和P-14停车场. 绿线的停车位是为专车保留的 使用登记在册的学生车辆. 居民车辆必须登记 with the Business Office and must display a residential student parking decal. In the event a resident must temporarily utilize a different vehicle than the one registered, it shall be the resident’s responsibility to obtain a temporary visitor pass from 到EGSC警察局,并在车上展示通行证. 临时访客 通过的吊牌最多只能有效20天.

退伍军人停车场由每个停车场的标志指定. 这些地方是预留的 for those who have served in the military as a way for EGSC to honor their service.

Staff parking spaces reserved for exclusive use by 住房 Directors and Police/Public 安全车辆有标识. 未经许可在这些地方停车 是被禁止的,并且必须一天24小时执行.

Reserved Parking may be indicated in certain spaces for visitors to campus, generally 指少于一天的时间. 如需预留泊车位,请填写设施申请表 must be submitted for the event for which the visitor’s reserved space is required, and the Facilities Request must indicate the date/time/location/name of visitor for 是哪一个请求. 设施要求通过学院的十大彩票平台提交 请求系统位于 http://www.myschoolbuilding.com/myschoolbuilding/msbdefault_email.asp?frompage=myrequest.asp 在Swainsboro,公共汽车将被允许在P3和P13停车场停车. 代表 from the entity that schedules the campus visit will be given instructions by either the Director for 机构发展 (for non-athletic events) or the Athletic 总监(体育赛事). 所有预留停车场、临时标志及路障 (cones) will be placed by the EGSC 警察局 in the appropriate location.

Under certain circumstances, special reserved parking spaces may be requested for 用途,如员工认可计划. 由内阁级批准适当 特别预留泊车位须由单位负责人负责.

Temporary Parking Permits are issued, free of charge, at the EGSC 警察局 在Swainsboro. 临时停车许可证是发给短期使用的许可证(一般为 less than six months) for regular visitors such as contractors, temporary staff, retirees, 和供应商.

IV. 摩托车/自行车停车

摩托车及踏板车 are not required to display a parking permit. 司机的 these vehicles are required to register the vehicle with the EGSC 警察局 并且必须停在合适的摩托车停车位. 摩托车及踏板车 不能停在人行道上,草地上,或校园建筑附近.

V. 拖曳和固定

Vehicles that have received two citations and whose owner has neglected to respond (either by a successful appeal or a payment) will be placed on a tow/immobilization 列表. Vehicle owners will be notified in writing upon the issuance of a citation. A third citation will result in the 被拖拽或固定的车辆 by a car boot 由EGSC警察局安装. 所有罚款,包括脱鞋费, 在车辆放行前必须缴付的费用. 另外,一辆车可能马上就会出现 towed, without prior notice, if it presents a traffic safety hazard, or if a vehicle 启动不可用. EGSC不承担任何责任的损害,作为一个结果 被拖拽或固定的车辆. 所述车辆的车主负责 拖车费用.

VI. 事故

The driver(s) involved in any accident on campus resulting in injury to, or death of, or damage to any property shall immediately stop their vehicle at the scene of 事故发生后,必须与EGSC警察局联系. 该车辆的司机 should remain with their vehicle until an officer arrives and must present their driver’s license and valid vehicle insurance to the officer upon their arrival at the scene.

7. 限速和交通

The speed limit on campus roads and streets is 15 mph unless otherwise posted. 发布 必须遵守速度限制. 行人有先行权,必须小心 在任何时候都要接受司机的锻炼.

In addition to the regulations contained herein, all provisions of the Georgia Traffic 守则在校园内适用. EGSC警察部门的官员可以根据 EGSC交通规则或 乔治亚州交通法.

8. 上诉

Parking citations may be appealed to the Vice President for Business Affairs, or designee, 五(5)个工作日内. 上诉的权利在五天后被剥夺. 所有 上诉决定为终局决定. 罚款必须在上诉前缴纳. 上诉 forms are available at the EGSC 警察局 Office 在Swainsboro.

Standard Fines for Parking Violations can be found under ‘Miscellaneous’ on the 学费 & 费用页面.