Revisions Adopted by President’s Cabinet 4/28/20 
Revisions Adopted by President’s Cabinet 1/27/20 
Adopted by President’s Cabinet 11/27/18

本政策解决了学院的政策和程序审批过程中的作用 对学院治理过程中的机构、程序进行公布 政策,管理单位网页上的政策内容的规则,并确定责任人 parties for each action. 

Policy Creation, Revision, Archival 

政策可以根据政策缺口、新政策、指令、 法律或法规或修订以纠正现有政策之间的不一致, directive, law or regulation. The policy owner is the person responsible for the final 政策草案,提交草案供适当的管理机构批准 机构(如本政策所述),并确保该政策在 appropriate location. All college policies and procedures, unless expressly stated otherwise, apply to: 

        • all faculty and staff;
        • all students, regardless of instructional delivery mode;
        • the EGSC Swainsboro, Statesboro, Augusta locations;
        • all off campus dual enrollment high school locations; and
        • all college sponsored events regardless of location. 

Policy Types and Required Approvals 

所有政策必须事先得到适当的治理机构和总裁的批准 to publication and use. ( Policy type dictates the required governance review and approval process. 

Administrative policies 政策是否涉及大学的运作、设施和非学术性的学生事务 and college personnel. Examples include: Travel Policy, Political Activities Policy, Student Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Process. Administrative policies require approval of the President’s Cabinet only. While policies may originate with a policy 业主谁是主管单位或由委员会,政策是提交 由有关的内阁成员或其指定人员向总统的内阁提交,或由 person designated by the President. 

Academic policies 涉及学术事务的政策是否包括但不限于学术人员 职责、课程、成绩、学分的授予和EGSC章程. 学术政策需要学术政策和课程委员会的批准 (APCC), Faculty Senate, the President’s Cabinet and the President. The 建议更改学术政策、课程及教育服务中心的表格 Statutes (PDF)是为了通过各种治理来指导政策而创建的 机构审查和获取官方各自的意见、修订和 approval signatures. For academic policy, the VPASA is the policy owner. The VPASA 开始审批流程,将策略和路由表单提交到 APCC, then Faculty Senate, then President, and then the Cabinet. 

EGSC Statutes 学院的官方规章制度是否详细规定了治理结构 描述了总统内阁的常务委员会和 of the President, and addressing faculty duties and responsibilities. Proposals for 章程的修订可以由校长内阁或教职员参议院提出, 但所有提案在提交给总统之前都需要得到两个机构的批准 for final approval. The routing form (PDF) must be used to guide the Statutes 通过各种治理主体进行修订,并记录所需的批准. Chief of Staff /Legal Counsel manages the publication of the EGSC Statutes. 

Standing Committees, Task Forces, Other Committees: 常务委员会、特别工作组和其他委员会的工作包括 向主席提出通过政策和程序的建议. Policy 由这些委员会起草的政策在制定之前不是正式的大学政策 由适当的治理机构和主席提交并批准 herein. 

Procedure for President’s Cabinet Approval: 在总统国务会议上提出的所有政策都要进行通报 通过电子邮件发送给总统内阁和总统行政助理 每周由内阁级主管对相关单位进行审查和评论 在内阁会议之前(通常不迟于周三——紧急情况除外) 该电子邮件必须包括向总统行政助理提出的请求 for the item to be placed on the Agenda. Any revisions made to the policy during the 流通期必须纳入最终文件并发送至e presidentscabinetFREEOMNIUPDATE address no later than Friday before the Cabinet meeting. The President’s Office will 将最终的政策版本上传到One Drive on的总统内阁文件夹中 Friday before the Cabinet meeting. The Cabinet level supervisor or designee will present the item for review and vote at the Cabinet meeting. Upon adoption by the President’s 经内阁会议和总统批准,该政策即被视为正式通过. 必要时,经总统许可,提供政策、手册、目录 或其他需要总统内阁立即表决的事项,可以分发 for email vote. Such items should be sent to Chief of Staff/Legal Counsel who manages this process. Following the email vote and adoption, the vote will be presented and 在下届总统内阁会议纪要中作为一项信息记录ing. 

Publication – Policies and Procedures Page 

公布是指将经批准的政策公布在学院的政策上 and procedures page. 在所有相关管理机构批准该策略后,将通过电子邮件发送该策略 由保单所有人以WORD格式提交给参谋长/法律顾问,并附上 路线表(如适用),并在批准日期上注明 policy and posting on the college’s policy and procedures page. The policies and procedures page 学院的所有政策、程序和手册是否都是中央仓库.

Policy Archives Page 

当一项政策按照本规定的程序进行修订、批准和发布时,该政策 that it replaces is then moved to the Archives. This page is the central repository for outdated policy. T在存档策略的URL标题中注明采用策略的日期 reference. This page provides a historical view of college policy for determination of policy that was in place at a particular point in time. 

Unit Webpages 

为避免重复和不一致,单元网页不应包含文本 of a policy. Rather, unit webpages may contain links to relevant unit policies and other college policies from the college’s policies and procedures page. The outcome 这条规则的规定是,当原来的政策被更新和张贴时,单位网页 link will automatically update. However, if the policy name is revised and this results in a change to the policy URL, automatic updates to links will not occur. It is the responsibility of the unit head to review and 根据需要更新其各自的网页,以确保政策链接是最新的. 

Governance Records 

每个治理主体必须维护政策和程序的记录,以及其他记录 matters, that it considers. The record should, at a minimum, consist of Meeting Agendas, 安排会议纪要,以及每次会议审议的政策和程序草案 by date of each meeting and completed routing form. The record must be publicly available through publication on the college’s governance webpage. 

Responsible Parties 


EGSC Webpage Responsible Party
Academic Policies and Curriculum Committee Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs or designee
Faculty Senate Chair or designee
Staff Council Chair or designee
President's Cabinet Associate Vice President for Executive Affairs or designee
College Policies and Procedures Page Chief of Staff/Legal Counsel




Routing 学术政策、课程及法例修订建议表格(PDF)